
ACF (Adventist Christian Fellowship)

As Christians in a secular environment, Adventist students in non-Adventist colleges and universities can feel disconnected from their church.

The information here is for students who want to find other Adventists to fellowship with, and for people who want to help support these students.

The Adventist campus ministries movement is very diverse. This diversity is reflected by the many names and acronyms it wears. Below is a listing of names we know are being used. Adventist Christian Fellowship (ACF) is the name suggested for use in English-speaking countries.

•Adventist Association of Students
•Advent Christian Fellowship
•Adventist Christian Fellowship (ACF)
•Adventist Ministry to College and University Students (AMiCUS)
•Adventist Student Association (ASA)
•Adventist Student Fellowship (ASF)
•Adventist Student Christian Movement
•Adventist Student Movement
•Adventist Students for Christ
•Campus Advent
•Federacion Adventista de Universitarios (FADU)
•Grupo de Estudantes Adventistas (GEA)

Source: Advent Christian Fellowship
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Nos encanta escribir y informar a las personas de nuestra comunidad cristiana-adventista sobre lo que esta pasando en nuestra iglesia, ademas de tambien dar recursos para el crecimiento espiritual de nuestros lectores. Esperamos que la informacion que compartimos en este blog, sea de bendicion para todos ustedes. -Todo Adventista Techs

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